
Embracing TIME through Creative Art Expression

How do we create a sense of control when things feel our of control? Engaing in a creative project and narrowing down time to embrace the things we can control is a great way to start. These instructional videos offer a simple format to use collage material for creative self expression.

Recycled images and words

Today’s project is a bit more complicated, but well worth the effort. Please find some stuff (magazines, junk mail, newspaper etc) headed for the recycle bin, glue/tape, scissors and paper. Think about how you are feeling today. Search through this pile of paper and see if any words or images jump out that reflect your current mood. Cut them out and assemble them on your page (using glue or tape) in a collage form. Might appear a bit elementary, but if you check out any Southeby’s catalogs over the past 30 years, you will see that some people have managed to use this medium to convey some serious emotions and earn millions of bucks along the way.  

Yesterday’s project: How do your hands look? Are there more things you are trying to let go or more things you are hanging on to for this coming year? Can you set some more goals based on the results from this project? Do any of the things you wrote match the goals set over the previous week’s art exercises? Are you being completely honest about the things you need to let go of, or are there more that are too difficult to write down, think about or deal with? Sometimes it is good to go back in a few days and look at artwork and reevaluate whether you were being honest with yourself.